Unlock your salon retail sales true potential

Supporting hair and beauty businesses boost their retail profits and reduce waste

Ever felt overwhelmed by stock levels in your salon?

Maybe you have watched in dismay as the top-selling items in your salon vanish faster that you can restock them.

And let's not forget the countless hours spent working out reorders!

Sound familiar?

Modern display unit for spa retail
Modern display unit for spa retail
 Harklinikken, Manhattan, a concise but commercial spa retail display
 Harklinikken, Manhattan, a concise but commercial spa retail display

Perhaps you are unsure if you have too much stock, too little or just the right amount?

By applying some of the processes and tools that retailers use, we can boost your product sales and make your salon more profitable, while bringing down stock wastage.

Big retailers have a team of people focussed on ensuring they have the stock to meet customer demands. They analyse sales and stock, decide how much to buy, and when to sell it. They are Merchandise Planners.

Merchandise Planning isn’t just for big retailers - it's about:

  • Having the right products at hand when your customers want them, thereby ensuring profitable sales.

  • Never running out of your best sellers.

  • Offering your customer meaningful choice, and a cohesive, commercial, and easy to shop product range. A better range selection means your salon will need less stock.

Whether you would like ongoing monthly support with ordering, or want a one off project to look at your product range, analyse performance and review your processes, we can offer you something with unbiased advice at a reasonable cost.

A streamlined approach to Merchandise Planning

Monthly reorders

A monthly update of your stock positions, sales and forecasts, makes monthly ordering a breeze.

After 12 months the cycle begins again.

Analyse your past performance and stock positions

Build a picture of the previous 12 months of customer demand and missed sales.

Review products and identify trends.

Range selection

By using past performance, adding market trends, and considering available space, you produce a range that is commercial and profitable, whilst meeting customer demand.

Set your strategy and sales forecast for the next 6 to 12 months

Use what you learn to set your strategy, identify areas to focus on, and consider promotions for quiet times.

Connect your social media and marketing strategy to offer a clear and cohesive message.

Without sacrificing any of the benefits that an implementation of merchandising principles would bring, we have streamlined and simplified Merchandise Planning into 4 key stages. This is possible for several reasons:

  • Hair and beauty ranges are developed by big brands to be continuity products, which are generally available throughout the year. Compare this to a fashion retailer that changes its range every month.

  • Most salons and spas offer branded products. If you are developing your own range, and not just buying off the shelf products, the complexities are greater.

  • Many elements, such as pricing and launch dates, are decided by the brands, making your life simpler.

From ensuring you are never out of stock on your bestsellers, to reviewing your product offering to reduce inventory and save cash, there are many ways merchandising can help your business.

The 4 stages

At Retail Sales Services, we believe in the transformative power of effective inventory management for hair and beauty businesses. We are so confident in our ability to boost your retail profits that we offer a 100% money back guarantee.

It's time to find out how a little bit of Merchandise Planning can help boost your retail sales and make a more profitable business.